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Copyright 2006 Julie Shepherd Knapp
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Copyright 2006 Julie Shepherd Knapp.  All rights reserved.
about the book
The Homeschool Diner's Guide to
Homeschooling With Special Needs

Strategies for Teaching Children with Asperger's
by Julie Knapp, copyright 2005

How parents and educators can help:

Guidelines for Treatment and Intervention -- excellent approaches
and strategies for education and behavior modification from the Yale
Developmental Disabilities Clinic

Asperger's Syndrome--Guidelines for Treatment and Intervention
by Ami Klin, Ph.D., and Fred R. Volkmar, M.D, Yale Child Study Center

Learning Styles and Intervention Strategies -- by Susan Stokes,
autism consultant for CESA 7

I Can Problem Solve by Dr. Myrna B. Shure, author of Raising a
Thinking Child
, this program focuses on developing interpersonal
cognitive problem-solving skills that will result in better behavior and
better relationships, there are several books for different age groups,
and one for use in schools

Social Stories -- the low-down on social stories by Carol Gray, the
creator of Social Stories at the Gray Institute -- an intro to and nice examples of social stories

The Source for Aspergers by Timothy P. Kowalski for LinguiSystems,
a non-technical resource for those dealing with Aspergers students,
describes diagnosis, treatment strategies and goals, and school
approaches, more theoretical than practical help, several games and
teaching aids sold separately

Make Beliefs Comix! -- free online comic-maker, choose from several
pre-made characters, choose the mood of the character (happy, sad,
mad, surprised), and type words into "bubbles" to make a comic/story

Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger Syndrome book by Luke Jackson -- a
humorous and candid look at what it means to be Aspie, thru the eyes of
a 13 year old boy diagnosed with Asperger's.  A great read for teens
with AS -- to realize that they are not alone, and that others share their
challenges, and maybe the same outlook on life and relationships.  Also
good insights for adults dealing with Aspie teens.

Especially for Grandparents of Children With Asperger Syndrome
By Nancy Mucklow -- designed to help grandparents understand what
aspergers is and how it will affect their relationship with their grandchild

Somewhere Inside, a Path to Empathy by By David Finch -- a sweet  
article from The New York Times about an adult who's wife figures out he
has Aspergers but, with her help, they learn to deal with his eccentricities

Coulter Video Products-- several titles educate siblings, classmates,
and fathers on Asberger's and autism

Asperger Syndrome: Transition To College & Transition to Work --
two videos from Coulter give advice and tips from experts

Therapies for Autism -- autism is much more severe than aspergers...
but some parents have incorporated autism therapies in helping their
aspergers kids cope with everyday life.  This article summarizes the most
common approaches used and what % of parents have tried them

Communicating Partners -- education and strategies for parents of  
late-talking and  non-communicative children

Service dogs for children on the Autism Spectrum:
There are many promising stories of AS children being helped by having
an autism service dog.  This is, however, a new field for service dogs,
and there is a lot of possible variation in how dogs are selected and
trained.  Please visit the website of
Assistance Dogs International for
info before purchasing an autism service dog -- This is an organization
made up of individual programs that train service dogs.  They set
standards for training and keep lists of accredited trainers/suppliers.  
You can find many suppliers just by Googling "autism service dogs" and
your home state or province... but do check with the ADI lists to see if
that supplier is ADI Accredited, and ask questions in autism support
groups to find out more about potential suppliers.  
Service Dogs &
Autism -- is an online support group where you may find helpful info.

Related Resources

Somewhere Inside, a Path to Empathy -- a sweet article by David
Finch (an adult aspie)