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Copyright 2006 Julie Shepherd Knapp
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Copyright 2006 Julie Shepherd Knapp.  All rights reserved.
about the book
The Homeschool Diner's Guide to
Gifted Homeschooling -- Twice Exceptional
Resources for Specific Disabilities

Attentional Disorders in Gifted Children

by Julie Shepherd Knapp, copyright 2006

Attention Deficit Disorder is an inability to use the skills of attention
effectively - it is a neurobiochemical disorder that results in distractibility,
impulsiveness, and sometimes hyperactivity.  Parents of gifted children
often question an ADD diagnosis because they recognize that many of the
symptoms of ADD are similar to gifted behavior, and also similar to the
behavior of a gifted child who's needs are not being met in the classroom.    

What is ADD?  Is it an LD?  from LD Online

Before referring a Gifted Child for ADD evaluation from SENG

The Up Side of ADD -- quick thinking and creative behavior can be a good
thing, the positive characteristics and some high achievers who have ADD

Misdiagnosis of gifted children as ADHD from Supporting the Emotional
Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

Gifted children with ADHD - how are they different from other gifted
children, from the ADD Resources website

How are
gifted childen with ADD different from other children with ADHD?
by Deirdre V. Lovecky, Ph.D. of the Gifted Resource center of New England

The Mislabeled Child -- an introduction to the book by Drs. Fernette and
Brock Eide, which discusses the need to re-examine how we diagnose and
treat learning and behavioral differences, including ADHD and Austim
Spectrum disorders, and suggests a move toward experience-based
therapy to help the brain re-train and re-wire itself.

The Catalytic Role of ADHD -- a delay in the development of self-control
which can lead to developing other disorders and behavioral issues...
especially in the classroom, where one-on-one help is not always available
and pressure to perform on the same time table as peers is unrealistic

Think it Off by Tamara Fisher -- for some kids, learning is a way to let off
steam, keeping the mind engaged can head off problem behaviors

school and ADD are such a mis-match, and consequently, more
reasons to homeschool children with ADD

ADHD and Gifted -- a Yahoo! support group for homeschoolers

ADHD Gifted -- a Yahoo! support group for public schoolers
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